{ path: '/application', title: '我的工作', icon:'code-working', name: 'application', component: Main, children: [ { path: 'index/:id', title: '我的申请', name: 'myApplication', component: resolve => { require(['@/views/application/index'], resolve); } }, { path: 'index/:id', title: '我的待办', name: 'have not done', component: resolve => { require(['@/views/application/index'], resolve); } }, { path: 'index/:id', title: '我的已办', name: 'have been done', component: resolve => { require(['@/views/application/index'], resolve); } } ] },
created(){ console.log(this.$route.params.id)}
如果要获得不同的id必须使用官方推荐的方法const User = { template: '...', watch: { '$route' (to, from) { // 对路由变化作出响应... } }}
或者使用 2.2 中引入的 beforeRouteUpdate 守卫:
const User = { template: '...', beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) { // react to route changes... // don't forget to call next() }}